Tuesday, April 26, 2011

A mini-food truck visit

My poor co-worker and friend, Kerry, got stuck with jury duty, which has turned into 4+ week affair.  Being away from work that long is bad enough, but she also missed spring break!  She said the best part of losing all that time was the hour-long lunch break everyday to walk around the city and sample new restaurants and try food trucks!  Well, of course we wanted to join her on her quest.  Being on spring break gave us the opportunity to go into the city mid-week, so we hopped on Twitter and figured out the best menu & location.  We came up with Sauca, which is one of the "oldest" food trucks in DC.  They're so popular, they actually have 4 trucks.  The menu features hand-held wrap-type sandwiches that come from various regions around the world. 

We tried the Butter Chicken and the Beef Shwarma (pictured here) and BJ also tried the Fish Tacos. 

The Shwarma was BJ's favorite.  He felt it was juicy and flavorful, while it was a tad salty for me.  I thought the Butter Chicken was fantastic, great flavor and it has cilantro rice, which is always a plus in my book.  He thought the tacos were good but not outstanding.  Kerry also had the shwarma and enjoyed it.  We also loved sitting on the steps of the Portrait Museum on a sunny day, people-watching.  8/10.

And, what jaunt into DC is complete without a cupcake?  We walked a few blocks to Crumbs and got a vanilla vanilla, carrot cake, and a chocolate peanut butter. 

Crumbs has enormous cupcakes, twice the size of anywhere else, and for me they tend to be a little on the dry side because of that.  You can get mini-cupcakes in a sampler pack though, and they are a better texture.  The icing is really great though, just the right sweetness.  They also have a ton of interesting flavors, and even had some flourless ones for Passover, and Peeps flavor for Easter.  AND their packaging is good!  8/10 for Crumbs. 

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